This interview was conducted in 2016 when Amanda Lok was serving in PwC China / Hong Kong.
Q : What is providing tax services like?
A : Tax compliance used to be my main focus. Other than knowing the guidelines of Inland Revenue Department and different jurisdictions thoroughly, I also need to know how to apply tax cases into the fast changing business environment. Being in the industry for four years, I started from providing services to a wide variety of financial services, and eventually focused on consulting services merger and acquisition and due diligence. It was an excellent learning process to strengthen my interview, presentation and negotiation skills.
Q : Are there any unforgettable experiences?
A : It was an Australian company intended to enter the Asian market and prepare to set up an office in Hong Kong. They needed to know the tax implications of this expansion plan. Although I had basic international tax concepts, my background on the tax jurisdictions in Australia was limited. I had to be in close liaison with my colleagues in Australian office for the project. The experience undoubtedly strengthened my soft skills such as project management, which includes setting and meeting deadlines as well as communicating with clients.
Q : Anything you want to say to university students?
A : Professional services industry welcomes students from all disciplines. I have seen many partners who studied engineering or computer in university. School is a place to develop our logical thinking. You can always build your accounting knowledge through bridging courses and other channels.
I suggest that university students should open up and take up different challenges. Do not put themselves in a box but rather go out, be adventurous and get out of their comfort zone.
Q : Any suggestion to students who want to get into your profession?
A : Business sense is crucial because, after all, accounting is a "language" that helps us to better explain a business. Business sense can be strengthened by reading world news and participating in seminars within the industry.
Professional Background:
BBA (Hons), Economics and Information Systems, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Member, the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants