The Financial Services Development Council (FSDC) kicked off the FSDC Practitioner Speakers Series 2021 by hosting a virtual seminar entitled "Demystify Investment Banking" which was well received by participating students. FSDC Executive Director Dr King Au highlighted some of FSDC’s new talent development initiatives, including Fireside Chat and Job-shadowing programme, with the aim of helping students with their understanding of the career prospect of the financial services industry. At the panel, FSDC Policy Research Committee member, J.P. Morgan’s Managing Director and Head of Global Investment Banking, Hong Kong Mr David Lau, and China International Capital Corporation Hong Kong Securities Limited’s Managing Director and Head of Investment Banking - Hong Kong Mr Barry Chan, shared how they entered the investment banking sector and advanced their career development there, as well as how candidates could grasp the career opportunities.
For the program of the seminar, please refer to the attached poster.
Click here for the full replay, and here for the highlight video.