Cybersecurity, or cyberspace safety is a cross-industry, cross-boundary subject matter. Among others, financial services industry is a prime target of cybercriminals, who have caused tremendous economic, regulatory and reputational harm over the years.
With developments in the post-COVID-19 era – including licensed virtual financial services, increasing reliance on cloud and online collaboration tools, etc. – the future cyber universe will become more complex, presenting more urgent need to combat cyber risks.
As an international financial centre which is exposed to various forms of cybercrimes, how prepared is Hong Kong for preventing and handling cyber risks?
The Financial Services Development Council (FSDC) launched a research report on cybersecurity strategy for Hong Kong’s financial services industry through our Industry Exchange Series webinar on 10 June 2021. At the webinar, distinguished speakers explored measures on policy, legal, regulatory and operational levels that can help enhance the city’s cyber resilience and lead to a more effective cybersecurity infrastructure for Hong Kong.
- Ms Karen Chan, Cybersecurity Working Group co-leader, FSDC; Partner, Davis Polk & Wardwell
- Mr Victor Ho, Mainland Opportunities Committee member, FSDC; Registered Foreign Lawyer (California), Allen & Overy
- Mr Jim Lai, Board member, FSDC; Policy Research Committee convenor, FSDC; Vice President, Tencent Holdings Limited; Chairman, Fusion Bank Limited
- Dr King Au, Executive Director, FSDC
Dr Rocky Tung, Director and Head of Policy Research, FSDC
Language: English
Supporting organisations:
- Asia Pacific Real Estate Association
- Asia Securities Industry & Financial Markets Association
- CFA Society Hong Kong
- Chinese Asset Management Association of Hong Kong
- Chinese Banking Association of Hong Kong
- Family Office Association Hong Kong
- Fintech Association of Hong Kong
- Global Association of Risk Professionals
- HKUST Business School
- Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
- Hong Kong Investment Funds Association
- Hong Kong Investor Relations Association
- Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute
- Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association
- Private Wealth Management Association
- The Hong Kong Association of Banks
- The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers
- Treasury Markets Association
- World Alliance of International Financial Centers
Click here to download the presentation slides.
Click here to download the research report.