FSDC Industry Exchange Series – Connecting Data:
Establishing Hong Kong as a Cross-Boundary Financial Data Hub
With the increasing integration of the financial services industry in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), data connectivity has become an imminent business need. Hong Kong, being the international financial centre of Asia and already possessing robust infrastructure and innovation capabilities, has what it takes to become the financial data hub of the GBA to facilitate a frictionless flow of data within the region (and beyond in the future).
With an aim of developing Hong Kong into a regional financial data hub, the Financial Services Development Council (FSDC) has examined common global approaches to cross-border/boundary data governance. A research paper titled “Connecting Data: Establishing Hong Kong as a Cross-Boundary Financial Data Hub” is developed, proposing relevant measures in relation to data governance to facilitate the further integration and connectivity of the financial services industry within the GBA.
You are cordially invited to join our Industry Exchange Series webinar to learn more about the paper. Our distinguished speakers will discuss challenges facing Hong Kong’s financial services industry in data governance and measures to prepare the city to become the financial data hub of the GBA, thereby further strengthening Hong Kong’s position as an international financial centre.
- Ms Lareina Wang, Executive Director, Head of Digital and Innovation, HK and GBA, Institutional Banking Group, DBS Bank
(See bio) - Mr Leiming Chen, Senior Vice President, Ant Group (See bio)
- Mr William Gee, Advisor, PwC Hong Kong
(See bio) - Dr King Au, Executive Director, FSDC (See bio)
Dr Rocky Tung, Director and Head of Policy Research, FSDC (See bio)
Supporting Organizations:
- Asia-Pacific Structured Finance Association Limited
- Chinese Banking Association of Hong Kong
- Chinese Financial Association of Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Investor Relations Association
- Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute
- Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association
- The Hong Kong Association of Banks
- The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers
- Treasury Markets Association
Click here to download the presentation slides.
Click here to download the research report.