The Global Financial Centres Index ranked Hong Kong as one of the top global financial centres. Hong Kong has an integrated network of institutions and markets, providing a wide range of financial products and services with a high degree of liquidity to local and international investors. There is a strong emphasis on the rule of law and fair market, and a simple and transparent taxation system. There are no barriers to market access to the foreign businesses and no restrictions on capital flows into and out of the city. Hong Kong is also strategically positioned as China’s global financial centre, with a unique connection between the vibrant Mainland economy and a world-class business environment. Amongst other strengths, Hong Kong continues to rank top globally in terms of the volume of offshore Renminbi business. This Website is designed to provide you with an overview of the Financial Services Development Council (FSDC). It contains not only the useful information of the FSDC’s activities in relation to the Hong Kong financial services industry, but also the FSDC’s publications on a wide spectrum of topics related to the industry such as the reports on Mandatory Provident Fund System, life insurance as well as Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). The FSDC has been incorporated as a company limited by guarantee since September 2018. The change allows the FSDC to better discharge its functions through research, market promotion and human capital development with more flexibility. We look forward to establishing closer collaboration with the industry and our stakeholders, and continuing to drive sustainable development of Hong Kong’s financial services industry. Your suggestions and comments are most welcome.